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The paint tray!

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The paint tray!

This is what our customers say

Our common goal: no more plastic paint trays on the market by the end of 2025!

That's why it's The paint tray!

Made of recyclable material - Compostable: completely plastic-free - Brush tray: lying and standing - Convenient roller tray up to 12cm - Paint tray: holds up to 250ml - Paint resistant: does not soak through - Made in Germany: high quality & short delivery way

Environmentally friendly material

Simply sustainable: it is THE innovation on the painting market. The paint tray is made of fibre cast from cellulose - a material that is also used as an ecological material in the building materials industry. Thanks to an innovative double coating of biomaterial, it is now even more stable. You can therefore reuse it 100%, recycle it 100% and compost it 100%.

Made in Germany

Finally, short delivery routes and fewer emissions! This means we saveCO2 and get our supplies without long waiting times.
You can still find paint trays made of plastic in our shop, because a complete changeover takes time. But we also want to do something with plastic tubs!
That's why we're cooperating with everwave:
for every kilogram of plastic we sell, everwave takes one kilogram of plastic waste out of our waters.

The paint tray!

We may not have reinvented the wheel at MissPompadour, but we have certainly invented the perfect paint tray. We realised that it's not enough if a paint tray only contains paint and only offers the option of wiping it off. After all, where do you put the brush, which you need again and again while painting? Perhaps you would even like to store a second brush? And what use is a conventional paint tray if you want to work with several colours when stencilling, for example? We spent a long time thinking about it and finally developed the truly ingenious MissPompadour The paint tray!

The paint tray! and its advantages

Our new paint tray is simply perfect for varnishing work. Because it has a large and quite deep compartment for the paint. The paint tray is raised in the centre so that you can easily wipe off excess paint from the roller using its surface structure. Behind it, there is a recess in which the roller can be safely deposited. That all sounds pretty normal. But the really clever thing about the MissPompadour The paint tray! is the recesses on the sides. You can easily place the brush in one of them without it becoming independent. And you can place a brush upright in the second recess. If you are working with several colour shades, simply fill these recesses with the other colours. Up to four colour shades are possible at the same time. The paint tray! holds 250ml and is suitable for rollers up to 12cm wide. It is light as a feather, ergonomically easy to grip and can be used several times.

Different material - adapted handling when painting!

Thanks to its environmentally friendly composition, the surface of The paint tray! is not as smooth and slippery as the plastic tray. This ensures that rollers and brushes are easier to wet and that painting is simply a pleasure.
When using your paint tray for the first time, take care to avoid medium-length breaks in painting or working almost dry. As long as you work quickly with enough paint in the tray, nothing stands in the way of success.
However, if you leave the tray to dry almost empty for a while and only then continue painting, the dried paint may loosen a few fibres and these may then stick to your roller. Please do not let the roller or brush dry in the tub during the painting break.
On the other hand, it is completely problem-free if you pour the paint residues out of the tub after the work is done and the paint residues can dry really well. All subsequent coats of paint will then work without any problems.

The paint tray! is environmentally friendly

How could it be otherwise at MissPompadour! We simply don't like plastic. That's why our paint tray is also plastic-free. Its material is cellulose, which is also widely used in the building materials industry as an ecological insulating material. One advantage of this material is its stability. The paint tray retains its shape even when exposed to moisture. The double and bio-based coating is almost invisible, but really strong. It makes The paint tray! even more durable. And last but not least, the ingenious MissPompadour The paint tray! is 100% compostable. These great properties also helped our paint tray to be nominated for the Sustainability Award Products 2025.

Dispose of the product in accordance with local / regional / national / international regulations

Manufacturer/Responsible person:
MissPompadour GmbH
Am Reitfeld 10, 93161 Sinzing, Germany
+49 941 206 068 20