Just Paint - With MissPompadour
6 min reading time

Do you know this situation? A friend told you about our site or you've been following us on social media for a while, but you don't really dare yet? Maybe you've even picked up your mobile phone to send a WhatsApp to our customer advisory service - but "Where should I start?"
After all, you have questions upon questions or simply worry that it won't work out? Your head is buzzing with so many ideas, but you can't actually imagine that you can really implement them without help?
If you recognise yourself at any of these points, I can reassure you: you are not alone and MissPompadour is the right place for you!
Help, I want to paint
So there you are - you've already downloaded the app, and you're thinking about what colour you could spice up Grandma Gertrud's old chest of drawers.
As soon as you have a few colour shades on the shortlist, you're bound to start asking yourself a lot of questions. Luckily, you can find the answers to these questions in our magazine . There, we have answered the most important and frequently asked questions about the most popular projects.
Are all your doubts still there?
"What if my family doesn't like the colour after all? Isn't the furniture too valuable to paint it? Won't it just look painted in the end?"
Many people are confronted with such worries when they want to start an important project.
Our tip:Why not start with a trivial piece of furniture - one that you saved from the bulky waste or that has been sitting in the basement for ages and doesn't really fit in with the furnishings? Painting is like everything else: practice makes perfect!
Nobody paints perfectly from the start, even we at MissPompadour started small.

On the colour, ready, go!
Order the colour cards of your choice. As soon as they arrive, just sit down with a cup of coffee and decide on the right colour shade. If you're unsure, invite your best friend to help you choose. It's easier to browse together and maybe your friend will have an interesting idea on how to decorate your future piece of jewellery.
Our motto " easy to paint" does not only come from the fact that we pay attention to the fact that all materials are very easy to work with during the product development and selection of the assortment and that they allow for great results even without expert knowledge. We also want to inspire and encourage our customers to always try something new. Our help in the magazine, in the videos and our free colour consultancy are there for exactly this reason
Why don't you start by tackling that little bedside table that's still perfectly intact but no longer matches the new bed? Or the telephone bench that would look good in the hallway but is far too old-fashioned in its natural state. Sometimes even a small patch of colour on the wall turns a colourless room into an eye-catcher. You don't always have to paint all the walls to make a visible change. You will be amazed at the effect a little colour can have!
Don't be put off by unimaginative comments from those around you. Of course, everyone has heard what can go wrong and you have never done anything like this before. But we are by your side and will help you if you get stuck. So there's nothing that can't be solved.
If you have a lot of critical voices , paint somethingjust for you to start with. Then it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.

Panic before the brushstroke
Once the paint arrives, the big moment is here. If you're like us, you're already itching to get started.
Whether you paint with a roller or a brush, never be put off by the first coat. Even if the paint does something you didn't expect, give it time to smooth out and get into shape. The first coat doesn't have to be really opaque and perfect. You'll see that the second coat is much more satisfying. Look at the result again in daylight to make sure you have painted all surfaces evenly.
It doesn't always have to look like you bought it. Many pieces of furniture, especially older ones, develop their charm with the texture that can only come from painting with a brush. If you want to achieve thenatural character of a classic chalk paint, perhaps even the brush strokes are part of it. If you prefer a smooth and modern look, our varnish rollers and fine brushes are the tools of your choice.

After the painting is before the painting
Don't be too hard on yourself when To Paint. With each new coat of paint, you'll find it easier and easier to handle the brush, roller and paint.
Even an artist needs time to adjust to a new material.

First a coffee
It's best to think of painting as a creative outlet and a hobby. It can happen with every project that something goes differently than planned or than it says in the instructions. Because every project is different, every piece of furniture has its own story, which you only find out when you take a closer look at it. But that's the beauty of DIY: you learn more and more each time you do it, you're prepared for more and you know better and better how to deal with "outliers".
If you get stuck, take a breath and relax with a warm cup of coffee. This will help you to take a step back and think of a solution - or check our FAQs to see if we haven't already answered your question there
If you don't know what to do or something completely unexpected happens: contact our customer advisory service. We are a team of employees with a lot of DIY and string experience and always have an open ear for you. Just send us photos via WhatsApp or give us a call. We will help you in any case and do our best so that you can complete your project successfully and happily. There is hardly a problem that we can't solve. And because we are often asked: Yes, this individual advice is really already included in the colour price
After all, we have already experienced many things ourselves and still kept going. In the end, you are not only rewarded with a beautiful piece of furniture, but also with the pride of having changed something yourself. You wouldn't believe what a huge difference the right colour can make on a table or on the wall behind a chest of drawers!

All's well that ends well
Don't let the joy of painting be taken away from you. Because don't forget: your project is there for you and not the other way round!