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Fresh colour magic for your garden furniture

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Gartenhaus streichen

Dein Gartenhaus braucht dringend Farbe? Einfach streichen! Der schnellste Weg zu einem neuen Look!

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Painting the garden shed

Does your garden shed urgently need a lick of paint? Painting is the quickest way to a new look! If you want to know exactly how to paint your garden shed, we have summarised everything you need to know in our blog. You can easily click together all the products you need using our project kit.

Painting garden furniture

The varnish is off? Whether garden table, garden chairs or garden bench - with a little colour or stain, you can turn your garden furniture into an individual eye-catcher! If you want to know exactly how to paint your wooden outdoor furniture, we have summarised everything you need to know in our blog. Of course, you can also paint plastic garden furniture. We have also created a blog for this. You can easily click together all the products you need using our project kit.

Paint or stain fence & raised bed

Bring colour to your garden! With our colours, you can easily create highlights in your feel-good oasis! We show you exactly what you need to know to give your garden fence a new splendour in our blog article. You can read about what you should consider when painting your raised bed here. If you like the texture of wood, our wood stains are the right choice for you!

Painting front doors & garage doors

Come on in! Create a fresh first impression in your home with inviting colour shades. If you want to get started straight away and beautify your front door, we'll show you what you should bear in mind in our blog article. You can also paint your garage door to match!

Painting caravans

You don't need a new motorhome - just give your mobile home a new coat of paint! You can read all about it in our blog article "Simply a new campervan" and you'll be perfectly prepared for remodelling the interior of your caravan. You can easily click together all the products you need in our project kit.

Gartenmöbel streichen

Der Lack ist ab? Mit etwas Farbe machst Du aus Deinen Gartenmöbeln einen individuellen Hingucker!

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Gartenbank streichen

Hol Dir Farbe in den Garten und gönne Deiner Bank ein Makeover in fröhlichen Farbtönen!

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Zaun & Hochbeet streichen

Bring Farbe in Deinen Garten! Mit unseren Farben setzt Du ganz einfach Highlights in Deiner Wohlfühl-Oase!

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Haustür streichen

Hereinspaziert! Sorge mit einladenden Farbtönen für einen frischen ersten Eindruck in Deinem Zuhause.

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Wohnwagen streichen

Du brauchst kein neues Wohnmobil - schenke Deinem mobilen Heim einfach neue Farbe!

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