Projects by our MissPompadour brand ambassadors
Do you have a piece of furniture, a wall or other corners at home that could do with a fresh coat of paint? Browse through the projects of our brand ambassadors here and get inspired!

Our MissPompadour brand ambassadors

Instagram @homeheartmade -
"I love the MissPompadour Paints because you can change so much and so easily. The quality of the paints and varnishes is absolutely TOP, you notice that when painting and afterwards. I have already painted so much in our house with MissPompadour and there is still no end in sight."

Instagram @oliviamarei -
"LittlePomp has taken away my fear of trying something new as a complete paint maven. The paint is really easy to apply and I am so happy with the result. The nursery just looks like new."

Instagram @apinchofstyle -
"#ipainteverything - the hashtag that brought MissPompadour to my attention a few years ago and made me want to paint our unloved floor. I find it all the nicer that today I am allowed to be a fixed part of the brand ambassadors and inspire the MissPompadour community with my projects. The courage to venture into exciting projects, the desire and motivation for change, lots of solutions for "problem" areas and always keeping an eye on sustainability - for me, MissPompadour Paints stand for this and so much more."

Instagram @huehnergeschichten -
"I love the great natural colour shades from MissPompadour. It always makes my painting projects blend in so beautifully with their surroundings, as if it had always been that way."